„I have fluctuating workloads. Good that the costs also fluctuate with it!“
Fixed costs, changing workload.
Machinery in industrial companies is investment-intensive. As long as long-term financing obligations are covered by secure capacity utilization, the calculation works. However, if the order situation collapses, the model quickly becomes unbalanced: Weaker capacity utilization can no longer cover the fixed costs. The machine operator has to cross-subsidize the losses himself. “The machines are not to blame. The problem lies elsewhere.
When costs adjust to demand
With its machine data analytics, DAPONA enables completely new, disruptive business and production opportunities for all manufacturers according to the pay-per-part or pay-per-x model. Customers no longer need to own machines in order to produce. They are merely users. Manufacturers become operators and bill according to usage.
Production data acquisition
For this purpose, DAPONA collects the operating data and stores them in a secure database.
Display in freely configurable pay-per-use monitor (browser dashboard)
Customers and manufacturers can track utilization at any time in freely configurable real-time dashboards. It is freely configurable who has which data access.
Usage-based billing
DAPONA makes the stored operating data available to billing systems (such as SAP) in a secured API interface. Manufacturers are free to choose which data they use for benefit-based billing. It can be data from the machine control system or from sensors that are also installed in the machine or environment.
The manufacturer takes care of maintenance and servicing
In addition, DAPONA also enables manufacturers to take over maintenance and servicing. The manufacturer becomes a provider of production services, the customer becomes a user. The manufacturer provides its customers with the necessary machines, takes care of their operational readiness itself and invoices on a usage basis.
Quelle: IDEAL Werk
IDEAL Werk, Lippstadt
Wie hoch ist die Auslastung, welche Fehler stehen gerade an, läuft oder steht die CNC Werkzeugmaschine?
Um ihre Effizienz in ihrer eigenen Produktion zu steigern ist es für IDEAL Werk elementar, die Auslastung in Echtzeit zu sehen um frühzeitig handeln zu können. Dazu wurde die CNC-Werkzeugmaschine mit DAPONA digitalisiert. Ohne Programmierung, einfach Plug&Play.
In selbst eingerichteten Dashboards ist für die Unternehmensleitung jederzeit die Auslastung sichtbar, ganz gleich ob im Unternehmen, oder unterwegs.