Rail transport | Vehicles | Road transport | Logistics | Transport | Aviation | Space travel | Public transport | Shipping | Transport infrastructure | Gas stations
Optimize logistics processes with condition monitoring
Whether in logistics, the transport of food and goods, or at gas stations: Condition monitoring, real-time monitoring of devices and systems and timely alarming in case of deviations are crucial for safe operation. With DAPONA, systems in intralogistics or in the process industry, for example, can be operated cost-effectively and efficiently via remote monitoring. Real-time analyses and reliable early warning systems reduce repair times, accelerate the flow of goods, increase goods availability and shorten downtime. Whether tracking & tracing, condition monitoring, fire prevention, cold chain monitoring or logging of hygiene regulations: Simply connect, set up your own real-time dashboards yourself and always know what’s happening. On the laptop, the PC or on the go on the smartphone. All you need is a web browser.